Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Google Earth Virtual Reality

Visit anywhere in the world with the click of a button

Within the past year, the latest trend in technology has been virtual reality headsets. Now you may be wondering what exactly a VR headset is. According to an article published by Yahoo, "is a device that you wear over your eyes like a pair of goggles. It blocks out all external light and shows you an image on high-definition screens in front of your eyes. The goal of the VR headset is to immerse you in a game. In VR games, your point of view is your character’s point of view; most VR headsets track your head movement, so that wherever you look, your character looks, too. If done well, you’ll feel like you are inside the game" (Gilbert 2014).

Recently, Google has come out with their own VR headset that is designed specifically for Google Earth. This new VR headset allows you to visit anywhere in the world as long as you know the address and or name of the location you are wanting to visit. The picture shown below is one of the destinations that you can visit within virtual reality.

I personally do not see the value nor the appeal of purchasing such an item. For one, I love the travel and see different locations in person. While the idea of being able to see any location anywhere in the world while being in the comfort of your own home sounds appealing, it is still just a cheap imitation of the actual beautiful locations. I want to be able to feel and touch these locations instead of just viewing them from another thing. Another reason why I would not purchase this item is the fact that it will take you to a location if you type in an address. I do not take pleasure in the fact that any random person from anywhere in the world can type in my address be able to view my house where I live with my family. 

Wednesday, April 12, 2017


Still Hanging On

Courtesy of Mashable

Many people consider Google+ to be a butt end of jokes in terms of Social Media. The majority of people consider it to be a failure and completely unnecessary. However, what many people don't realize is that Google+ is still going strong and has a huge following.  In an article from the website, Mashable, it identifies the groups that use Google+ the most, and how Google is also attempting to gain more attention by creating and adding new features to this social media platform

There are many different online communities that help keep Google+ running. One of these online communities is the photography community. "The Landscape Photography Community, more than a million members strong, remains one of the most engaged communities on Google+, according to the company."  There are also large communities online that are specifically "devoted to more mainstream aspects of popular culture, like Harry Potter fandom, or Pokémon devotees and One Directioners. " 

Like the majority of people, I believe that Google+ is very low on the totem pole as far as social media networks go. Mostly because of the dominance of Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram. When Google+ came on to the scene, it was after Facebook had been the main dominate force in social media networks for a few years and still is to this day. Unless Google+ makes some major changes in to make it more appealing towards people, I believe that within the next few years Google+ will eventually fade out of existent. 

Monday, March 20, 2017

Wearable Technology

The year of smartwatches

Taken from CNET

Within the past 2-3 years, there has been an increased effort from major companies in the marketing and selling of smart watches. From the physical fitness watch FitBit to the AppleWatch. 

In this day and age, you would think that people would be excited and more enthusiastic about purchasing something a new piece of technology that you can wear and virtually take anywhere. According to an article by CNET, this has not been the case. 2016 was a "lackluster sales for wearables...Smartwatches, in particular, were a disappointment as consumers still weren't sure what to make of expensive gadgets". 

However, the article predicts that in 2017 that the wearable tech will rise and increase 18.6% within the next five years. The companies and manufacturers are really trying to push the smartwatches in 2017 by trying "to serve specific niches, such as connected kids' watches, athletic watches, luxury and fashion watches. Some makers may make 'lifestyle watches' that better address different needs, whether that's communication or health and fitness." 

While I enjoy the idea of a smartwatch, I don't know if the expense is worth it. I personally, would be more inclined to purchase an Apple Watch since I personally already own an iPhone and Mac computer. However, the price for an Apple watch is almost as much as purchasing iPhone. If the price went down over time, then I would probably be more inclined to purchase it. Also, I don't necessarily the purpose of purchasing a smartwatch when I already have a smartwatch. 

Friday, March 3, 2017

YouTube TV

Can YouTube keep up?

There are many companies that have created a form of live streaming. For example, you have Sling TV, PlayStation, Vue, and DirectTV Now. YouTube has now recently joined the group by announcing the addition of YouTube TV. It will cost approximately $35 per month to have this service. 

YouTube will have a lot of similarities with its counterparts such as live streaming major networks like ABC, CBS, Fox, NBC. They will also be streaming "cable stalwarts like ESPN, the Disney Channel, Fox News and Bravo". Below are pictures of the channels that are confirmed (they are currently negotiating with other channels):
Channels that have been confirmed for YouTube TV
Courtesy of CNET

Personally, I this is something that I would consider investing in. My household uses AT&T as a service provider and uses a DVR. One of the most frustrating things about having a DVR is the limited space you have available. Especially when there are certain shows or movies that you have saved and now have to delete to create space. However, YouTube TV will have a cloud DVR with unlimited storage. To me, this would definitely be worth paying the money. Another feature that will be included with YouTube TV is being able to have multiple different users on one account similar to Netflix and now Hulu. This is another feature that attracts me to this product. Everyone can have their own personal account with their favorite shows and movies without having oversized Que or cluttering of tv shows all under one profile. There is still much unknown about this new Live streaming service that is supposed debut very soon. I am excited to see where this new service provided YouTube leads. 

Monday, February 20, 2017

Can Samsung Revive Itself?

Damage Control

Taken from The Sun

In an article published by Digital Trends, it discusses the damage and loss of reputation that Samsung suffered last year. According to the Harris Poll, Samsung had suffered a major loss in 2016. "The South Korean technology giant placed 49th in this year's survey---down from seventh last year and its peak of third in 2015."  

The have been numerous factors attributing to their fall from grace. In 2016, there were various incidents where the battery in the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 would explode. This resulted in the phone being recalled on two separate occasions. It even got to the point where airlines banned people from even bringing the phone on board with them. Another thing contributing to the downfall of the company's reputation is the arrest of Lee Jae-Young, vice chairman of Samsung. 

In my opinion, what makes or breaks a company is not from their success but from how they conduct themselves in times of crisis. So far, Samsung has had a hard time recovering from these current debacles. Specifically with Samsung Galaxy Note 7, which has caused them the majority of their problems. It's one thing to have one major recall of such a popular product, but to have two in the same year for one product definitely does not help their position. Hopefully, Samsung will learn from their mistakes and find better ways to reclaim their good standing. 

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Just How Safe Are We?

No more anonymity

In an article published by the Pew Research Center, it discusses the rise of distrust that Americans have for the protection of their online information. This distrust has only risen with recent email hacking scandals like the release of emails from the Democratic National Committee.

According to this article, "a majority of Americans (64%) have personally experienced a major data breach, and relatively large shares of public lack trust in key institutions-especially the federal government and social media sites- to protect their personal information". The image below outlines just how much trust is actually placed in certain institutions when it comes to their online information:

However, another thing that this article stresses is that most Americans fail to do what is recommended to keep their information safe by using a password management software. The image below the shows percentages of the techniques used for passwords.The number one technique used to keep track of their online passwords is by memorizing what their passwords in their head.

I too have a major concern when it comes to online security. With the rise of technology and social media, it is easy to gain information from someone who is as close as down the road or as far as being an ocean away.  My mother works in Human Resources and part of the hiring process for many private companies. There are have been several occasions where she has had to turn down people for certain job positions because of the presence and content that they publish on social media.

 I personally have had my Facebook account hacked on multiple different occasions and have had to change my password. There have also been several occasions when fraudulent charges have been placed on several of my mother's different online services and she has either had to change her password or cancel that online service completely.

I personally believe that it has become way too easy for people to gain online information. However, if we as Americans are not at least willing to put in any kind of effort to protect our information, like using a password management program as recommended, how can we expect other institutions to take the protection of our information and privacy?